
Devar Torah for Friday Night - VaYigash

Did brothers go to Egypt because there was a famine and they needed food or because it was G-ds plan to make peace between brothers and Josef ? Yes and yes.
Did Jews stay in Egypt for 400 years because it made economic sense at the time or because it was G-ds plan and part of his promise to Abraham? Yes and yes.
Did Jews become enslaved as a result of assimilation or because it was G-ds plan and a necessary part of Jewish education for generations to come? Yes and yes.

But what was the point in the scripture that signified the beginning of enslavement? Our Sages tell us it's "Ve-Yahazu Bah" at the end of this week's Torah Portion. The Jews acquired the choicest  land in Egypt and took hold of it. Did they take hold of the land or did the land take hold of them? Yes and yes.

Did we come to US because it made economical sense or because it was part of G-ds plan for our growth and development? Yes and yes.
Are we living in the days of famine or is it over? How many possessions, accomplishments and money do we need? When can we stop making economical sense and start making sense? When can we go home? I don't know. But I know one thing: we should not repeat the mistake our people made in Egypt. We should not hold on to this land.

But what do we hold on to? Johebed, mother of Moshe was born right before Jews entered Egypt. The solution to the problem was provided the problem was created. This should be our clue.

We should hold on to our children, our spouses, our family , our community , our people. And when the time comes we'll get up and go, just like we did in Egypt. And the sooner the better.

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