4 additions to the prayer

A couple of weeks ago we started learning Gemarah "Taanit" with Shalom. I love it. On the third page there is a discussion of 4 seasonal additions to the prayer, that mention Dew, Wind, Clouds and Rain. And it says that one has to beg for rain only, because other three will be there anyways. I thought of a metaphoric way to interpret it:

Dew is a metaphor for your daily livelihood, a slow and steady progress you make in your endeavors (the mannah was covered with the layer of dew).

Wind is a metaphor for changes, moving and shaking, excitement and unexpectedness.

Clouds are a metaphor for the comforts of life. (Ananei ha Kavod , the clouds of glory followed the Jews in the desert and provided the shade. Not a necessity, but very nice-to-have)

And Rain is the metaphor for Torah.

So here's what I learned: you will get your livelihood, your unexpected changes and your little comforts anyways. Don't worry about them too much. Don't ask for more. Don't complain if you think you did not get enough.

The only thing worth begging for is Torah. Beg for more. Every day.

Shana Tova!

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