Disney World

A draft for a contest speech

In 1971 Walt Disney opened the doors of Disney World Magic Kingdom in Orlando, Florida. A year later I was born. When I was 6 years old my father brought me the news: We are going to Disney World!  A place of Futuristic Technology, Magic and Movies. A place where Mikey Mouse can be spotted in the wild. A place where a dreamer like you would feel at home. But first we have to run away from Soviet Russia, get to America and make a lot of money. This journey would be long and hard, but it would be worth it.

Mrs. Contest Chair, Most Gracious Judges and Lovely Audience. I had NO IDEA how long my journey would be. It took 11 years to run away from Soviet Russia, another 11 years to get to America and another 11 years to make a lot of money, but last week I finally made it! I was there! I was in Disney World! And today I'm going to share  The How, The WOW and the Vow  of Disney World with you.

How to go to Disney World.

Step One: Find a Crazy Beautiful, Shockingly Smart woman with just the right pitch of voice so that when she rides a kiddie rollo-coaster and goes 'Aaaahhh!!!! ' it makes you happy. Marry this woman.
Step Two: Make a couple of kids and raise them well. Then pluck them from elementary school at the peak of their cuteness, preferably on a very cold week. Make sure the kids have endurance, sense of humor and taste for adventure.
Step Three: Delegate planning, worrying and yelling to your wife. Delegate constant munching, wining and bargaining to your kids. Delegate all unimportant tasks so that you can focus the big picture:  reflection, preparation for the speech contest and pure old fun.

The WOW of the Disney World.
 Look I've tried much faster rides here in Six Flags. You go alone on a weekday, you run from ride to ride, jump fences, zoom through the single riders line and just hold on.
But at Disney World the rides are not that fast.  The key to G-rated Family entertainment is not holding on, it's to letting go. 
You know how when you go to Europe you try not to look like a tourist? In Disney World everyone is a tourist. You can let go of the non-tourist in you. You can stop, and gaze , say "WOW". And it's OK.
As an adult I know that there's no magic in Disney World, just a combination of gift shops, fast food and well-decorated wait lines for the rides. But as an Adult you can't have fun in Disney World. In Disney World you can let go, stop being an adult. In Disney World everyone is a kid. And it's OK.
Coming to Disney World was like coming to America: everything is a show, people are too nice and politically correct, everyone is an immigrant, and it's OK. The real WOW of Disney World is the change in you once you let go. 10 years in America and 5 days in Disney World changed me.
Now I am American. I believe in Futuristic Technology, G-rated Movies, but most of all I believe in the Magic of letting go.

Which brings me to the Vow of Disney World.

Walt Disney called Disney World a project that's always evolving and never finished. When I was there, I kept thinking about another place that's always evolving and never finished, a place where dreamers like you feel at home. A place with long lines to get in, long lines to give a speech, a place where your inner child can speak up in a supportive and encouraging environment. A place where we learn the Magic of letting go together.  I gave my vow when I joined the club 6 months ago, but I want to make a new one: I vow to do awesome things  to make this awesome place even more totally awesome!

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