How to cook when you have to: TIME!!!
Now-days, who has time to cook?! Who has time to do the dishes? Who has time to have a life if you have a career? Who has time to hear the nonsense your kids keep saying day after day? Who has time for themselves? Who has time? I don't. I don't have enough time. I asked you what hurts you in the kitchen, and John T said just one word, all-caps, three exclamation points: TIME!!! Well, John T, I feel your pain. I feel it now. I have 5 minutes to tell everything I have to say about time - cooking time, time spent in the kitchen, time given to us. It's an impossible task. I might as well give up, because I don't have the answers. And I don't have time. So let's not talk about time. Let's talk about three things that will help us to transcend time. Today we are going to talk about Obligations, Ambitions and Priorities. Obligations are the things you need to worry about. Ambitions are the things you want to worry about. Priorities are ways to arrange your am...