
Showing posts from January, 2013

Brick education

" and they perceived the G-d of Israel, and beneath His feet was like the forming of a sapphire brick and like the essence of the heavens for clarity." Exodus 24:10 This shiur is le iluy neshamat imi morati,  Mila bat Zacharia . Who passed away on 24th of Shvat,  22 years ago. Boys grow up and they start asking questions. Here is the popular question: Can G-d create a brick that he will not be able to destroy? A possible answer is a question: even if he does why would he show it you?  We will answer the question later from this week's Torah portion. We will talk about brick education. Jewish people have a history paved with bricks. Our father Abraham was thrown into the burning furnace. Not just any furnace. It was a brick oven. It was used to make the bricks for the Tower of Babel. Nimrod ("Gibor Tzaid")  used technology to produce bricks and persuasion techniques to make people work on the Babel Tower Project. He was so successful at persuasion th...


Do you ever struggle picking a title for your speech? A good book says, you can entitle every speech you make "How to be more like me" because this is essentially what speeches are about. You give a person 5 minutes of undivided attention to learn a little bit: maybe you're missing out? So being in a speaking club is about learning how to be more like everybody else, in other words, how to be unique. In that sense the Icebreaker is different. It's not about how to be more like me, it's about. "How did I get to be the way I am". Which is 20% less interesting then every other speech. That's why you give you 4 minutes for that, not 5. I better start my icebreaker. There are 3 kinds of TMs: Professional  (DTMs, Presidents, VPs), Potnential ( Guests)  and Habitual. I tried all three approaches. When I first joined BPTM I was so terrified of the Icebreaker that I joined a second TM club and Did my CC in parallel , in two clubs. I don't even hope t...