Cook Pyramid

When it comes to food pyramids, I totally trust my government ( I like MyPyramid, I think my people should have copyrighted this term back in ancient Egypt). If you look at the picture it's very clear that in order to be healthier you should walk on the rainbow while skipping stairs and at the end you die. In other words, you should eat whatever you are hungry for, an the higher you are on the ladder, the less food you need. But food pyramids are not interesting. Because eating is just a bodily function, and is definitely not as interesting as walking on rainbows. Cooking , on the other hand is a fascinating topic. And in the next 5 minutes I'm going to tell you all I know about cooking. I compressed my knowledge into a Cook Pyramid. Each level of the pyramid is a level of understanding. The levels are : People, Ingredients, Timing and Construction. First and foremost, cooking is about people. You cook to make someone's life delicious. You cook because you care. You cook ...